This has been a tremendous year to be thankful for. I started a new journey of dreaming this year and have so much love and support. Thank you to my husband, Rob, first and foremost, for standing by me through the hardships and successes of this year. It has not only been an adventure for me, but for Rob as well, as we embark together to figure out what its like to live as and with a full time triathlete. Thank you to my parents for believing in me and encouraging me to be the dreamer that I have become. They also made their debut at my last race this year, in Clearwater, to join in on the triathlon experience. They had a great time and learning experience. It really means a lot that they are learning about what I am doing with my life, and that I am able to share with them.
I am thankful for my body. My arms, legs, and mind have carried me a long way. Without them all I would not be who I am today. My mind, especially, has been a key player this year in my life journey. I learned a lot from you, mind. You can be my companion and my enemy, but together we grow and learn and become strong. Along with that, I have to thank one of my mentors, John McMullin, for inviting me to join in the journey of wisdom that is life. The gifts that I have been given are priceless.
Happy Thanksgiving to all. Take time to reflect at least one thing that has made your life amazing.
sweet post Erin! I really need to learn how to work better with my mind....I'm struggling tremendously with that right now. Hope you had a wonderul Thanksgiving!